Monday, May 11, 2020

Week 6 - The Obedience Song (Class 3)

Welcome boys to the Western Music class. I hope you're having a great day.

Today we will learn about obedience from a song called "Obedience"

First, listen to the song below and after you have learned it you can sing along with the video that I provide below.


Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe
Doing exactly as the Lord commands, doing it happily
Action is the key, do it immediately, joy you will receive
Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe

Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe

We want to live pure, we want to live 'clean, we want to do our best
Sweetly submitting to authority, leaving to God the rest
Walking in the light, keeping our attitude right, on the narrow way
For if we believe the Word we receive, we always will obey

Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe

* * * * * * * * * *

Now that you have heard the song, you can sing along with the video below:

Did you have fun singing the song? I hope you all become smart and obedient boys after learning the song.

Please don't forget to mark your attendance.

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