Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Week 4 - How to Sing + Benefits of Singing (Class 3)

Welcome boys!

I hope you are all well and you are practising social distancing in your family and neighbourhood.

This week we will learn a few tips on how to sing properly. There are a few techniques (technique means how to do something) to sing properly and we will learn them in today's lesson. After that we will also learn some benefits of singing (Benefit means usefulness).

So let's jump right into today's lesson.

How to Sing

Benefits of Singing

I hope you enjoyed today's lesson.

You can go back to any of the songs we have learned and sing them again and learn them by heart.

1. Lesson 1: Do-Re-Mi
3. Lesson 3: Revision

Please mark your attendance in the comments section below.

See you again in the next lesson.


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