Thursday, May 21, 2020

Week 1 - Relearning Solfege + Colouring (Class 3 Holiday Homework)

Dear students,

This week we will go back to our first lesson and learn again. We will learn DO RE MI FA SO LA TI DO. This is called SOLFEGE (pronounced as: SOL-FEJ). This time, I want to make sure that you learn it by heart and you know how to sing it in tune.

I will be giving you an interesting activity at the end where you will be able to download some pictures and colour on them.

First, let us do a revision of the SOLFEGE: DO-RE-MI-FA-SO-LA-TI-DO

Now, let us revise the song:

Now, I want you to identify the word and the sentence that goes with each word:








Look at the pictures and see if you can complete the sentence from the song.

You can download the above images as a PDF for easy printing and colouring:


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