Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Week 4 - Every Single Cell In My Body (KG)

Hello boys, once again!

You have been such good boys learning patiently online and I'm sure you have learned a lot of things already by now. I know you are all smart boys and you can learn anything.

This week we will learn a new song. It is a fun song and you will love it! It is called
"Every Single Cell In My Body Is Happy"

Every single cell in my body is happy
Every single cell in my body is well
Every single cell in my body is happy
Every single cell in my body is well

I thank you, Lord; I feel so good
Every single cell in my body is well
I thank you, Lord; I feel so good
Every single cell in my body is well

Now sing faster and faster...

Did you enjoy singing the song? If you do, please give a thumbs up and mark your attendance below.

See you again in the next lesson.

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