Thursday, April 9, 2020

Week 2 - Lesson #2 - God's Love Is So Wonderful (KG)

Hello Children!

I hope to meet you soon and teach you all these wonderful songs. But for now, we have to learn this way. Did you like the song we learned last week? I hope you do.

This week let us learn a new song. Please take time and learn it slowly. Do not rush or hurry to learn it.

"God's Love Is So Wonderful"

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God's love is so wonderful
God's love is so wonderful
God's love is so wonderful
Oh! Wonderful love!

So high, you can't get over it,
So deep, you can't get under it,
So wide, you can't get around it,
Oh! Wonderful love!

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I hope you like the song!

Say "Thank you" to your mummy or daddy or whoever is helping you to learn all these wonderful lessons at home at the moment.

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Dear parents, I appreciate your effort to teach your kids at this time. A big thank you from me too.

If you've gone through and see this lesson, kindly mark the attendance: Name, Class with section, and Roll No.

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