Thursday, May 21, 2020

Week 1 - Hello To All The Children + Draw & Colour Flags (Class 1 Holiday Homework)

Hello students,

This week, we will go back and sing the song we have learned once again. The song is called "Hello To All The Children Of The World."

This time, we will learn the song, and also we will draw some flags and colour them.

Here, first listen to the song once again.

Now, we know that all the words are in different languages coming from different countries. Today, let us draw and colour the flags of three countries from the song.

1. Flag of England (or United Kingdom)
2. Flag of France
3. Flag of Germany

Pause the video and check the flag

Hello (Flag of United Kingdom)

Bonjour (France)

Guten Tag (Germany)

Draw and colour these flags and have some fun time!


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